- Department: Civil Law Department
- E-mail address: s.midorovic@pf.uns.ac.rs
- Office: C/I 24
- Phone: 021/485-3084
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2545-0927
Dr. Sloboda Midorović, assistant
Sloboda Midorović was born in 1986 in Kikinda. She graduated from the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Law in 2010. She passed the bar exam and lawyer’s exam in 2012. She received her LL.M. degree from University of Graz Faculty of Law in 2013 (“The EU Regulation and the Hague Protocol on Maintenance Obligations and their Relationship to the Serbian Legal System”) and from the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Law in 2016 (“The Use and Protection of Cultural Property – Civil Law Aspects”). She defended her doctoral dissertation (“Partial Nullity of Contracts”) at the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Law in 2023.
Fellowships, grants and awards: scholarship from the Fund for Providing Scholarships and Facilitating Progress of Talented Students and Young Researchers and Artists of the University of Novi Sad (2006/2007 and 2007/2008); Exceptional Award of the University of Novi Sad (2005/2006 and 2006/2007); scholarship “Dositeja” of the Foundation for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia (2008/2009); Eurobank EFG scholarship awarded to 100 students of state universities in Serbia (2009); Award of the University of Novi Sad (2009/2010).
Courses attended and/or visiting scholar: The Hague Academy of International Law – Private International Law session, The Hague (2010, 2011); summer school “European Private Law” at Paris Lodron University Salzburg Faculty of Law, Business and Economics (2011); European Forum Alpbach (2011); program “Business Law of the European Union” at Saint Louis University Faculty of Law in Brussels, (2013); “Munich University Summer Training in German and European Law” at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Faculty of Law (2015); Prince of Songkla University Faculty of Law in Hat Yai (2016); as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service, she attended an intensive German language course “Communication in University Context – Oral Presentation” at the University of Potsdam (2017); as an Erasmus+ scholar she attended a summer program in International Private Law of the European Union at Radbaud University in Nijmegen (2018); as a recipient of a research grant from the German Academic Exchange Service, she spent two months at the Department of German and European Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law at the University of Potsdam Faculty of Law (2019); a two-week research stay at the University of Potsdam Faculty of Law supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (2021); two-week stay at Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Brussels (2022).
Employment: intern (2010-2012); lawyer admitted to Vojvodina Bar Association (2012-2013); higher legal associate at the Development Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (2013-2014); the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Law (2014- ).
Areas of research and expertise: civil law, property law, validity of contracts and contractual clauses, legal regime of cultural property.
Languages: English, German and basic knowledge of French.
Academic title | Field of law | Institution | Year |
Assistant with PhD | Civil Law | Faculty of Law in Novi Sad | 2023 |
Assistant | Civil Law | Faculty of Law in Novi Sad | 2016 |
Teaching Assistant | Civil Law | Faculty of Law in Novi Sad | 2014 |
Bachelor of Law Studies
- Introduction to Civil law
- Property Law
- Midorović S.: “The Concept of Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts in Serbian Law: The Case of Validity of Contracting Credit Costs”, in: Popović, D.V., Kunda, I., Meškić, Z., Omerović, E. (eds) Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2021. Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law, vol 2021, Cham, Springer, 2022, 141-160, ISBN 978-3-030-97430-5
- Midorović S.: Restitution of Cultural Property Acquired by State on Behalf of War Reparations; in: Globalisation and Law: Collection of papers from the International scientific conference / [editors-in chief Saša Knežević, Maja Nastić], Niš, Univerzitet, Pravni fakultet, 2017, pp. 347-362, ISBN 978-86-7148-242-4, UDK: 347.232.4:930.85
- Midorović S., Sekulić M.: А New Function of Personal Data in the Light of the Contract for the Supply of Digital Content and Digital Services, Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad 2019, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp 1145-1166, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 347.181:347.44]:004
- Midorović S.: Pravo na brisanje podataka o ličnosti dostupnih na internetu, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 2019, No. 84, str. 281-306, ISSN 0350-8501, UDK: 342.7:004.738.5
- Midorović S.: Građanskopravni režim podataka koji nastaju upotrebom pametnih uređeja, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 2, str. 663-679, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 004.8:347.78
- Midorović S., Nikolić D.: Pravo svojine i prostorno planiranje: uticaj prostornih planova na vrednost nepokretnosti, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 4, str. 1775-1792, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 349.44:347.235
- Nikolić D., Midorović S.: Savremena evropska pravna teorija o socijalnoj funkciji prava svojine: nemačka doktrina, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 1, str. 65-78, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 347.23 : 349.3(430)
- Cvetić R., Midorović S., Susvojina etažnih vlasnika na parceli na kojoj je zgrada izgrađena, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu 3/2021, 737-763, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 347.238:[349.412:728
- Nikolić D., Midorović S., Razvoj posebnih svojinskopravnih režima, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu 1/2021, 67-92, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 351.853:347.23(497.11)
- Midorović S.: O institutu delimične ništavosti ugovora kroz prizmu načela slobode ugovaranja, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2020, Vol. 54, No. 4, str. 1475-1500, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 347.441:347.441.8
- Midorović S.: Savesnost u kontekstu restitucije kulturnih dobara, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2016, Vol. 50, No. 3, str. 957-974, ISSN 0550-2179, UDK: 343.23 : 343.232